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Re: Doing more with

Johnny C. Lam wrote:
Dieter Baron wrote:
  Why not use PREFER_PKGSRC, like the other checks wether to use a
native or a pkgsrc implementation?

You're envisioning something like the following?

    PREFER_PKGSRC+=    curses    # use a pkgsrc curses.

I rejected this because I was looking at adding support for different curses implementations in pkgsrc, and the PREFER mechanism doesn't encompass that. Eventually, I'd like for CURSES_DEFAULT to allow the following values:

    curses, ncurses, ncursesw, pdcurses

I'd eventually like to make using ncursesw more transparent, so that all packages that link against curses and use ncursesw instead.

Looking into this a little more, I don't think it's possible to just use ncursesw in place of ncurses when linking, so transparently compiling and linking with ncursesw is not going to work. I am still working on a pdcurses package to allow an alternative curses implementation to be used.


        -- Johnny C. Lam

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