Subject: Re: fetchyahoo substitute
To: iso-8859-2?Q?Micha=B3?= Pasternak <>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 07/29/2003 13:17:28
I think that if Dave wants to contribute a package, that's fine. Even
if you could use POP3 or IMAP to freely access a free Yahoo mail account,
there may be enough people with Yahoo accounts to appreciate a package
to take care of the details (they may otherwise have *zero* interest in
setting up what's needed).
But, the reality is that, as far as I understand it, Yahoo *charges*
for POP3 access. Since apparently it is a burden upon them to provide
POP3, it is great that people have apparently worked out ways to get
scripted/efficient access to Yahoo mail accounts without having to help
defray Yahoo's difficulties at dealing with standard protocols such as
However, the implication is that Yahoo's format drifts enough that scripting
access to Yahoo mail is a process that requires regular effort to maintain.
Having one's mechanism periodically break is not so nice. I'm not inclined
to bother with this tool, myself. But I can see how others might value it,
and telling them to waste money on POP3 fro Yahoo is probably not going
to go very far. (^&
"I probably don't know what I'm talking about."