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Re: Updating the Networking Section of the NetBSD Guide

On Sat, 17 Apr 2021 16:12:59 +0000
nia <> wrote:

> Hello, I'm doing my best to bring the "Networking in practice" section of
> the guide into the current decade, since the guide is very outdated and
> focused on Dial Up and IPF rather than NPF.
> I'm not a networking expert and I only know enough to configure a basic
> SoHo router so I'd appreciate any advice and suggestions of things to add.

I agree that this section of the Guide needs some improvement.

I suggest a section on how to set up a WiFi Access Point with hostapd.

I suggest a top-level section on IPv6. Currently the only brief
mention of IPv6 is misplaced inside the section on PPPoE.

I also suggest that the section on firewall at least mention pf. It is
premature to pretend pf no longer exists and that npf is a complete
replacement for it.

The section on creating a bridge is somewhat incomplete. I ran into a
couple of problems while trying to create a bridge, and it was difficult
to find any helpful anecdotes on the internet about bridging on NetBSD.
One problem was related to this bug:

Over the years I have written a fair amount of material on the above topics,
as part of my private lab notebook. Perhaps some of it could be integrated
into this section of the Guide. I can make it available to whoever would
care to read it and form an opinion on its usefulness.

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