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Re: GSOC Project: Merge code from two Realtek Wifi Drivers

On Sat, Mar 20, 2021 at 10:38:25PM +0530, Sugam Srivastava wrote:
> To whomever it may concern,
> I am very interested in the GSOC project "Merge code from two Realtek
> Wifi Drivers". I have been reading all the available resources and
> trying to get a deeper insight from the code. I wanted to ask whether
> there would be some type of pre-proposal screening or we have to
> directly start working on the proposal.

Both drivers have changed signifcantly on the "wifi" branch/topic, which is
probably not going to be merged before GSoC.

It is important to do the work for this project based on that branch, we
have to think about proper infrastructure for that (it might require you
to work with mercurial, instead of having mostly free choice as for our
other GSoC projects).

The wiki has a few tutorials how to deal with developement on the wifi


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