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Re: CVS commit: src/sys/net

On 28/09/2020 11:52, Robert Elz wrote:
I think I agree, but then I've always believed that it should be
possible to config addrs on bridge interfaces, rather than the
nonsense of requiring a tap (or now vether) interface in addition
to whatever other (packet transmitting) interfaces are actually

What would you think about making a vbridge interface (or some name
like that) that would be a combined bridge and vether in one driver?
And simply not giving the vether a name (or an actual attachment) ...

Then we loose the ability to have a virtual network yes?
server -> vether0 -> bridge0 -> vether1 -> client

If we change to the model
server -> bridge_ether0 -> client

Then the packets never actually leave the interface rendering diagnostic via tcpdump useless or testing DHCP useless.


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