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Re: Subtle NFS incompatibility with SunOS 4.1.1 on 68K

> On Mar 18, 2020, at 12:55 AM, wrote:
> Reminds me:
> I vaguely remember needing to do mount tricks with 32bit clients
> (NetBSD-i386) vs. 64bit server (NetBSD-Sparc)... "back then" at
> work, but still running, there's one active emeritus remaining in
> that work group.
> Let me check whether that's still in the configuration... yes, but
> the special option is on the client side, so a different case?
> Here's the client's amd map file for /home

Yah, that seems like a different problem, maybe.  I don't think this is a dir cookie problem.

> /defaults       type:=nfs;opts:=rw,hard,intr,nodev,nosuid,xlatecookie,nocoredump
> theory          rhost:=theory;rfs:=/export/home/3;opts:=xlatecookie,rw,hard,intr,nodev,nosuid
> Nothing special on the server (NetBSD-Sparc64)
> Regards,
> 	-is

-- thorpej

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