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Re: kernel frameworks for jumbo frame

	hello.  I'm not saying anything that anyone here doesn't already know,
but I'll add that Linux seems to have taken the position that all ethernet
interfaces should be called eth0, eth1, etc. This is fine as far as it
goes, but when you have to start figuring which physical hardware goes with
each interface, things get interesting.  Also, Jason's point about
interface numbering stability is well taken.  Fairly late versions of Linux
still don't have this right, which could be disastrous if, for example,
you're running a firewall with this level of instability and, after a
reboot, the inside and outside interfaces are reversed.  
	I wonder if, rather than hiding the driver names, like wm0, bge0,
nfe1, etc. the busy work could be avoided by allowing the user to configure
aliases for said drivers, similar to what was done for disk names.


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