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Re: Time to retire some ancient network pseudo-interfaces?

Le 21/09/2018 à 09:04, Maxime Villard a écrit :
Le 20/09/2018 à 01:37, Christos Zoulas a écrit :
In article <>,
Maxime Villard  <> wrote:
Does someone know what is the state of netisdn? It is a big chunk of
apparently dead code. FreeBSD removed it more than ten years ago [1] because
it was already dead back then, and also not MP-safe.

The reason I'm bringing this up is because while grepping through the tree I
landed in iavc(4), iavc_send(), which has a big memory corruption: we free
the m->m_next chain twice. Digging more, I see two PRs about iavc that seem
to indicate it does not compile on 64bit (are they outdated? because iavc* is
in amd64-ALL).

Looking at netisdn, it seems rather clear that it is of very poor quality,
and there is a lot of dead code hanging around. For example there is daic(4),
which is commented out in conf/files, so basically it never builds anywhere.
Its man page, which dates back to 1998, even says "The driver is not yet

netisdn is marked as an unprotected component in our TODO.smpnet. While it was
maybe fun at a time to keep dead drivers like that, we now have good reasons
to retire them, the first one being MP-safety. What do people think about
I doubt that anyones is using it; I would vote to delete it.
To be clear on what it covers: this implies removing the aivc and isic
drivers. I will proceed with the former now (see above), and with the rest
A more exhaustive list of drivers: iavc, isic, ifpci, ifritz, iwic.

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