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Re: Time to retire some ancient network pseudo-interfaces?

Le 25/08/2018 à 07:01, Christos Zoulas a écrit :
In article <>,
Maxime Villard  <> wrote:
Le 13/08/2018 à 08:07, Maxime Villard a écrit :
Le 07/08/2018 à 10:06, a écrit :
We could easily retire etherip. It has never been enabled (worse: the
option was not even present and commented out before I added it a few
months ago), the code is shitty, buggy (eg watch the man page) and not

Above all, the EtherIP spec (RFC3378) actually recommends dropping
EtherIP and using L2TP instead. We do have L2TP -- written by the
Japanese guys, so it works, it's MP-safe and everything.

Basically people should use L2TP, and I don't see many reasons for
keeping etherip, especially if it's low quality code. Retiring it would
also prune one "unprotected" entry from the TODO.smpnet list.

So what's up? Are we fine? I will remove it soon...

Also, while I'm thinking about it, in terms of broken/unused interfaces
we also have NDIS, which I guess should be marked as "unprotected" in
TODO.smpnet, too.

Does anyone have anything to say about NDIS?

I would delete it.

Yes, let's remove it.

Note that I'm talking about the code in dev/if_ndis and compat/ndis, and that
this doesn't impact urndis, which is a USB driver enabled by default, which
has its own NDIS code.

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