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Re: Removing ARCNET stuffs

> On May 29, 2015, at 2:20 PM, Johnny Billquist <> wrote:
> On 2015-05-29 16:35, wrote:
>>> ...
>>> DAP would be really nice, but it's complex. But I like the capabilities.
>> I wouldn’t have thought of DAP as all that complex; after all it fits in PDP11 systems.  You can probably subset it pretty nicely if you don’t need all the features.  Just file transfer, as opposed to transparent file I/O, is likely to simplify things substantially.  The DECnet/Linux implementation of DAP does this, I believe, and it does a reasonably good job.  I think I even got it to talk successfully to a RSTS/E system at one time.
> I've never managed to get DAP under Linux to talk with an RSX node...
> And I don't think you can subset it much. Depending on the remote machine, different parts will be exercised. But I guess things like indexing file access could be left out. But it's still rather more complex than anything I've seen under Unix. But possibly various remote db protocols would be similar.
> File transfer and file access in DAP is the same thing, I believe. Or maybe you mean this in some way I'm missing.

No, transfering a whole file is a single stream of stuff; reading individual records is a more complex handshake.  And apart from that, things get significantly simpler if you only support Sequential files.  Simpler still if you limit it to just two cases: fixed:512, and stream.


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