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Re: Privilege dropping for rtadvd

On Sat, 06 Jul 2013 23:47:46 +0200
Jean-Yves Migeon <> wrote:

> If they upgrade the system but forget passwd/group, hmm, they are 
> shooting themselves in the foot; it is part of the postinstall/etcupdate 
> dance. IMHO the checks in the code are not really worth it.

why? either it will run with the user nobody, or the system can check if the
user exists and if not, then create it. like it does when you install some
webserver or software like that, so i do not see any problem in that matter.

Lars Schotte @ hana.gusto
3.8.11-200.fc18.x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Claws Mail version 3.9.1

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