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Re: aireplay-ng / Intel 4965 AGN

Hi David!

Thanks for your reply! Unfortunately I didn't have a look at the sources. I can't tell you if there is such API.
I thought you guys might be using "aircrack-ng" or other related tools.

Best regards,

Victor Dorneanu

David Brownlee wrote:
From: Victor Dorneanu <>

Hello tech-net!

I'm new to this mailing list and I hope this is the right place to put my question.
Due to my work as pentester, I've been using the aircrack-ng suite 
for many years. A few weeks ago I've installed NetBSD 5.0 on my 
laptop and now I'd like to fully "substitute" Linux by NetBSD. But 
there is one problem: In order to generate arbitrary packets and such 
stuff (using aireplay), I'll have to patch my driver as the man page 
      aireplay-ng supports single-NIC injection/monitor.
      This feature needs driver patching.

Is there any driver patch available (see below for hardware specifications)? Or are there any other tools for these purposes?
My hardware specifications:
WiFi: 003:00:0: Intel PRO/Wireless LAN 4965AGN Mini-PCI Adapter (miscellaneous network, revision 0x61)
I'm not aware of any such patches... Is there a specific API that 
aireplay is using to inject the packets?

Victor Dorneanu

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