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Re: Virtio Viocon driver - possible to backport from OpenBSD?

Hello Reinound,

On 06.08.22 20:07, Reinoud Zandijk wrote:

I always use `serial` console for my Qemu hacking but if some cloud
environments rather have viocon's it seems like a sound idea. AFAIK its not
that hard and was on my TODO list when I worked on virtio but it got
sidetracked by other work.

I am currently working on something completely different but might take a
peek but feel free to try :)

Thanks for your response. To enhance the context a bit.... there was a recent discussion[1] @current where a German cloud provider switched from VGA to viocon for some of their offerings. They emulate the com interface too, but I am not aware of if and how this can be accessed from the management shell. The assumption is that it is simply not possible. As there is no way to access the serial console, I assume viocon would be the only way to make use of this cloud VPSs.

Kind regards


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