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Re: svr4, again

> On Dec 18, 2018, at 4:16 AM, Maxime Villard <> wrote:
> Judging by the configuration files:
> * COMPAT_SVR4 is available on sparc, sparc64, *68k, sun2, sun3, atari,
>   hp300, amiga. This is in terms of files.svr4 inclusions. I suspect that
>   a part of these inclusions were added automatically without real
>   testing (a bit like PMCs, where people copied the PMC logic in each
>   port without ever implementing the support for real), and that the only
>   use cases were sparc, sparc64 and i386.

I can speak a little to this... There were commercially available SVR4 variants for m68k systems ... at the time, there was a pretty big push for parity among the m68k systems we supported (there were lots of dumb reasons why the user land binaries were inconsistent from one m68k platform to the next, and there was a concerted effort to address that over a couple of releases), so that likely explains why COMPAT_SVR4 was added to *all* of the m68k kernel configs .... Although, to be honest, I would be really shocked if it would have actually worked on Sun 2, because the 68010 lacks instructions and addressing modes that SVR4 would have almost certainly required (and is why we don't have shared libraries on our Sun 2 port, IIRC).  AFAIK, none of our m68k platforms ever had a "native" SVR4.

-- thorpej

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