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Re: xorg pci probing

To summarize what goes on: on x86 archs (and AFAICT for NetBSD only there)
the X starup code enumerates all pci buses the kernel found, searching for
vga devices. If multiple are found, it prefers the one that the new function
marks. That's basically all about it.

If the new function says "no" to all devices, we have the same state as right
now. This, however, will not happen, even with serial console, as the function
realy only finds the first wsdisplay device's parent vga.

On sane ports we do not enumerate via /dev/pci, but straight open ttyE0 (i.e.
the first display, the same that the new function will mark) or ttyF0 etc for
multiple servers, and are there right away.

I would prefer to drop the stupid enumeration code on x86 too, but I'm 
definitively not goint to touch that code myself - so no right to complain.


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