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INSTALL documentation and program wording
mentions some documentation issues, but misses one glaring

Where the INSTALL document at

If installing via USB, you must first uncompress the USB image, which
is gzipped.
       $ gunzip NetBSD-9.0-amd64-install.img.gz

The actual file name as linked from the NetBSD home page is
i.e. the INSTALL document left out the "-uefi" part of the file name
(in the bit quoted above and also a bit further down in the dd
command example).

The installer program itself (and the documentation) refer to
(installing/upgrading) a "hard disk", whereas it's possible to
install to (or upgrade) a solid-state drive (with various
interfaces), an SD card (as for an embedded OS), a USB
flash drive (I've done that[*]), as well as to a hard disk.  A
more generic term would be "drive".

* N.B. That's an install of a system TO a flash drive, not
merely installing from the installer program on a flash drive.

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