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Re: Making install CDs contain the full sets

On Tue, 12 Aug 2014, Martin Husemann wrote:
I wonder if should be able to deal with an invocation like " release iso-image" and enforce the (now necessarry) variant " release sets iso-image".
"release" includes "sets", but doesn't know that; it's 
encoded in rules in src/Makefile and src/etc/Makefile.
Actually I'd like " iso-image" to automagically expand to that.
No, I don't think you would; at least, not in the simple form you 
expressed it.  If you have already done " release", I 
don't think you'd want " iso-image" to repeat all that 
work. does not have dependency management, except in some 
very small ways such as always building the make wrapper before 
anything else.  If you need multiple steps to be performed, you 
need to request them explicitly.  At present, doesn't 
know that iso-image won't work if you haven't already built a 
release, and it doesn't know whether or not you have already built 
a release.
I have contemplated adding a little more dependency management, 
perhaps keeping a bunch of ".done_${operation}" marker files 
somewhere, but I am not keen to go very far down the path of 
reimplementing "make" in
--apb (Alan Barrett)

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