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Re: CVS commit: src/external/gpl3/gcc/dist/gcc/config/m68k

Sorry for the late reply.

On 2020/08/11 1:16, Valery Ushakov wrote:
This sounds eerily similar to port-macppc/54827 - there's quite a bit
of confusion early on on my part there, but scroll to the last couple
of mails.

It looks like some logic changed in MI gcc8 that broke netbsd MD
config headers and I wonder if you see the same problem here.  For
macppc the fix was also to undo the netbsd change to STACK_BOUNDARY in
Thank you for remaining me that PR. I was following discussion at
that time, but I'd forgotten that it was due to STACK_BOUNDARY.

On 2020/08/11 10:27, matthew green wrote:
May be we should also check other ports for similar gotcha proactively?
good idea.  no other gcc/config/*/*netbsd* files define the
nasty STACK_BOUNDARY macro so hopefully we're good now.
Yes, powerpc and m68k were the last ones.

We somehow gained a bit more experience to overcome troubles
caused by GCC. I think that we can deal with similar problems
better in the next time :).


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