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Re: CVS commit: src/sys/arch/atari/stand/installboot

On Nov 24, 12:06am, (Izumi Tsutsui) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: CVS commit: src/sys/arch/atari/stand/installboot

| One major problem of the NetBSD Project is that we don't have any
| well defined procedure to get majority.
| (we don't have enough activities or a person like Linus unfortunately)

Yes, and voting about everything can quickly get expensive or abused.

| Persons who posted patches before commit were often blocked by bikeshed,
| and persons who committed changes without review (or even tests)
| always won by objecting (even just "I don't think so") all post claims.
| Only core might handle technical issue, but it looks core's decisions
| always ignore non-technical matters (resources, marketing, users etc).

One likes to think that people working towards a common goal will usually
make progress in the right direction.

| Unfortunately I didn't test your code at all because I objected it
| (the first rev was obviously broken anyway) and it was reverted
| per your approval:

I could not have tested; I asked you to test.

| After you read other developer's post you started to claim
| to strictly follow -fstrict-aliasing and use memcpy() to achieve it but
| you always ignored my request (to use u_int16_t assignments consistently),
| so I still cannot see what is ok for you other than memcpy (or be16enc)
| since I'm not a good C programmer and it's unclear if you are ok
| to use pointer conversions via (void *).

I did not ignore you, I also said that your union solution is cleaner,
but again it was pointed out that it would not always work...

| At first you answered it didn't work
| and in the next you said it was legal.

Obviously I cannot be right on both counts :-) But at least I am batting

| Anyway, per your second mail it looks you are ok to pass a structure
| pointer to a function via (void *) arg so I'll add a new function to
| set u_int16_t cksum at proper offset in the boot sector using
| u_int16_t assignment as current abcksum() function does.

I fine with it as along as it works and the compiler does not complain.

| If you still don't like it, please propose a patch which satisfies
| both requests as martin said, not repeating your "memcpy is ok and
| -fstrict-aliasing is more important" claim.

I did not propose that one but the be16enc() solution someone else
presented seems more natural (and will work on LE machines).

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