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Re: Cannot boot xen , missmatch between kernels

On 03.06.2010 18:51, Net Warrior wrote:
I installed xen tools and the like from ports ( xentools33 and
xenkernel33 ) and using netbsd-XEN3_DOM0 downloaded from the ftp repo.
The problem is a missmatch between the kernels, it seems that
netbsd-XEN3_DOM0 is PAE but xen.gz generated at complile time during
xenkernel33 is not, at least
that's the only difference I can see at boot, then it restart, I also
tried to complile a custom kernel by addin options PAE but it gives an
error during compilation, maybe I'm missing
something, but a domu with pae not error and can generate the kernel.

Nope, in fact, it's the opposite: XEN3_DOM0 is a non-PAE kernel, while Xen 3.3 (and up) only support PAE dom0/domUs.

How can I circunvent this issue?

Grab the XEN3PAE_DOM0 version. Note that only NetBSD 5.1 and HEAD have PAE dom0 support:


This one is a RC, should be close to final 5.1 though.

Jean-Yves Migeon

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