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No IP address in virtual machine

I've set up a NetBSD 5.0RC2 system which runs a XEN PV. The XEN packages
installed are

xenkernel33-3.3.0nb1 Xen 3.3.0 Kernel
xentools33-3.3.0nb4 Userland Tools for Xen 3.3.x

I've now set up a virtual machine using a Debian 4.0 (64bit) image from
http://jailtime.org and a Debian distro XEN kernel with it. The machine
boots fine and the network also looks ok in xm network-list. However, I
will never get an IP address even though the machine is configured to
use DHCP.

Here is the xm network-list for the virtual machine.

Idx BE     MAC Addr.     handle state evt-ch tx-/rx-ring-ref BE-path
0   0  00:16:3e:5b:d1:6e    0     4      7   521  /522     

The configuration file is as follows.

kernel = "/home/debian-4.0/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-4-xen-amd64"
memory = 256
name = "debian.4-0.64"
vif = [ 'bridge=bridge0' ]
dhcp= "dhcp"
disk = ['file:/home/debian-4.0/debian.4-0.64.img,sda1,w']
root = "/dev/sda1"
extra="TERM=vt100 xencons=tty console=ttyS0"

Here is what concerns eth0 in the dmesg of the virtual machine.

debian-pristine:~# dmesg | grep eth0
Bootdata ok (command line is root=/dev/sda1 ip=: 
TERM=vt100 xencons=tty console=ttyS0)
Kernel command line: root=/dev/sda1 ip=: TERM=vt100 
xencons=tty console=ttyS0
netfront: device eth0 has flipping receive path.
eth0: no IPv6 routers present

The XEN logs all look normal. The only error message I see is
in /var/log/xen/xend-debug.log.

brctl: not found

I'm happy to send everything I find in /var/log/xen/xend.log if
anyone believes that might be helpful. I'm running a XEN debug
kernel, so there is a bit of output there. But as mentioned
above, nothing looks like anything going wrong.


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