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Re: upgraded to 3.0.3, with hvm support

Manuel Bouyer wrote:
I've just updated the xenkernel and xentools to 3.0.3. To run this you'll
need a very recent current. I have patches for the netbsd-3 branch (to run NetBSD 3.x guests on Xen 3.0.3) but they won't make it for 3.1 I fear.

  As I understand it, a domU with the 3.0.3 ABI is not going to run on a dom0
that uses the 3.0.2 ABI (such as an older FC5 install as the dom0).

  Is this correct?  Or is this ABI change just relating to the dom0 vs xend?

But of course, as the system uses emulation for the devices disk and network
access are much slower than with a Xen guest kernel, and cause significant
CPU load to dom0. But, you have a virtual VGA screen in an X-window :)

  I hope someone will post a screen shot. Alas, there isn't a lot in X-windows
that says "I'm running on NetBSD" vs "I'm running on Linux"...

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