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Re: Xen3 update

Thor Lancelot Simon <tls%rek.tjls.com@localhost> writes:

> Any code that doesn't work on a kernel without INSECURE won't work on
> most people's i386 servers.  There is not much code like that out there,
> and what there is almost all uses memory or i/o access to whack devices
> directly, which you can't do with a XENU kernel anyway.

Despite that I dislike having INSECURE in any default config:
What about a XENU that's been given access to physical devices?

(let ((C call-with-current-continuation)) (apply (lambda (x y) (x y)) (map
((lambda (r) ((C C) (lambda (s) (r (lambda l (apply (s s) l))))))  (lambda
(f) (lambda (l) (if (null? l) C (lambda (k) (display (car l)) ((f (cdr l))
(C k)))))))    '((#\J #\d #\D #\v #\s) (#\e #\space #\a #\i #\newline)))))

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