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Re: install/start problem: xen 2.0 / NetBSD 2.0, 2.0.2 and 3.0 Beta


and thanks a lot for the answer. It shows me the right way to understand the documentation (NetBSD/xen-Howto). There were no further messages in /var/log/xend-debug.log then what i wrote befor. Yes, there is a /kern/xen directory
and /kern seems to mount by default (i don't have to manually mount it).
My main problem was that i did misunderstood the howto (maybe my english is not as good as i thought). I read something like: "It use a config file for its parameters in /etc/xen/." And i was wondering why i don't find this folder. So, after reading your mail, i did create it by myself, also /etc/xen/scripts and the scripts discribed in the howto.

The domain0 already did work fine (it really was a NetBSD 3_BETA kernel). The command "xm list"shows what it should. And after creating the scripts (and using disklabel to prepare the reseved partition) the installation of NetBSD
in the unprivileged domain was successful.

Now there is only one problem (till now): I am not sure about the network configuration. In the /etc/xen/nbsd in the line for vif i put the real mac adress of my second ethernet card and the local network adress i want to use (i think that i shouldn't do that, but i'm not sure). My knowledge about bridging is nearly null so i don't know how to configure it. I also don't really understand the notes in the script /etc/xen/nbsd. Further i create /etc/ifconfig.xennet0 within "inet netmask 0xffffff00" and configured /etc/hosts, /etc/mygate, /etc/relsolv.conf and the rc.conf nearly like in domain0 (just used a other hostname). This seem not to work. The ping command don't received packets.

here is a part of the "dmesg" output of the unprivileged domain:
xencons0 at hypervisor0: Xen Virtual Console Driver
xencons0: console major 143, unit 0
Initialising Xen virtual ethernet frontend driver.
npx0 at hypervisor0: using exception 16
xennet0 at hypervisor0: Xen Virtual Network Interface
Xen clock: using irq 3
xennet0: using irq 4
xennet0: MAC address <here is the real mac address of my 2nd network interface card like in /etc/xen/nbsd>

Hope this help to understand what i mean. If you need more information please let me know. Again thanks a lot.

Manuel Bouyer schrieb:

On Sun, May 15, 2005 at 06:50:41PM +0200, Rainer Brinkmöller wrote:

since a few weeks i try to install xen on NetBSD 2.0, 2.0.2 and 3.0 beta.

Note that xen 2.0 is only supported in the 3.0_BETA (and current) kernels.

The first steps seem to be passed successfully. From the grub menu i select the domain0 and it start. The steps i have done are based on the documentation at http://www.netbsd.org/Ports/xen/howto.html. First i did use the NetBSD versions 2.0 and 2.0.2 because i did not found the neccessary files for NetBSD 2.0_C4 like written in http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/SRG/netos/xen/downloads/NetBSD/NetBSD-2.0_RC4/xen-i386/INSTALL.html.

I did contact Christian Limpach because of my problem. His suggestion was that the MAKEDEV script i did use doesn't know about the xen entries, at least not when i ask for it to create the "xen" devices. He was right. In NetBSD 2.0 and 2.0.2 the MAKEDEV script really don't know about. The first time i did found the necessary entries unter NetBSD 3 beta.

See above

Here is my main problem: the execution of "xend start" don't really work.
At the /var/log/xend-debug.log i found the following entry:
"*/etc/xen/scripts/network: not found*"

Shouldn't be a problem, it can run without this. Any others messages in
xend-debug.log and xend.log ?
Do you have /kern mounted ? Do you have a /kern/xen directory ?

I did not wondering about because there is no xen directory under /etc after the port-installation of xentools 2.0.

Do you have an idea what i did wrong? Or what i can do to have a bit more success?

Here is a list of the steps i had done:

Download of the newest pkgsrc (pkgsrc.tar.gz about 26 MB)
(It was allways a new NetBSD-Installation so i did not have the /usr/pkgsrc folder)

unpack the file pkgsrc.tar.gz: tar -xzvpf pkgsrc.tar.gz -C /usr
Package Collection Update.
command: cd /usr/pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkg_install
command: make install

Installation of the xentools20
command: cd /usr/pkgsrc/sysutils/xentools20
command: make install

Installation of grub
command: cd /usr/pkgsrc/sysutils/grub
command: make install

configuring the /grub/menu.lst nearly like the example
here are my entrys (for grub and NetBSD 2.0):
# ------------------ grub-Konfigurationsdatei für NetBSD/xen. ------------------
serial --unit=0 --speed=115200 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1
terminal --timeout=15 vga console
title Xen 2.0 / NetBSD (hda0, vga)
kernel (hd0,a)/xen.gz dom0_mem=131072
module (hd0,a)/netbsd-XEN0 root=/dev/hda1 ro console=tty0
title Xen 2.0 / NetBSD (hda0, serial)
kernel (hd0,a)/xen.gz dom0_mem=131072 com1=115200,8n1
module (hd0,a)/netbsd-XEN0 root=/dev/hda1 ro console=ttyS0
title NetBSD 2.0
root (hd0,a)
kernel --type=netbsd /netbsd-PREXEN
title NetBSD chain
root        (hd0,0)
chainloader +1
## ------------------Ende der grub-Konfigurationsdatei. ------------------

grub installation.
command: grub-install /dev/rwd0d

Download of the XEN installation file from
unpack the file xen.gz to my root filesystem
command: cp xen.gz /xen.gz

Download of the NetBSD/XEN-Kernel

You'd better use a newer kernel from ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD-daily/

unpack the file netbsd-XEN0 to my root file system
command: cp netbsd-XEN0 /netbsd-XEN0
(under NetBSD 3 Beta i did use the xen-kernel of the distribution)

The kernel you used above is probably 3.99.x, that is, from the current
branch and not 3.0_BETA.

create a copy of my base netbsd kernel
command: cp /netbsd /netbsd-PREXEN

Well. The reboot was fine. The domain0 did start. There was just a message which said: "/etc/rc: WARNING: $xend is not set properly - see rc.conf(5)" a short time befor login prompt. I do not understand what i should configure in /etc/rc.conf. The entry powerd is set to YES.

You also need xend=YES

Also i do not know what i have to do get the xen directory under /etc.
I did study a lot of documentations but did not found a answer.

You have some infos in http://www.netbsd.org/Ports/xen/howto.html

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