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Re: Advice Wanted On Building NetBSD/vax in SIMH

On Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 04:39:57PM -0400, NCommander wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'm currently looking at doing a full build of NetBSD/vax in the near
> future in SIMH, and possibly livestreaming the whole thing. Before setting
> off on what will likely be a project, I was hoping for advice. I saw a post
> recently talking about one of the NetBSD 10 RCs taking around two months in
> real hardware, and was curious if that's the time I could expect to see in
> SIMH/vax.

Depends a lot on your host cpu, I would expect 2x to 10x the speed of that

> I'm also wondering how much disk space and memory I should setup in SIMH,
> and if I should increase the size of any swap. Most of my experience deals
> with building Linux distributions, so I only know the basics of what to
> expect from build.sh. I saw that the toolchain recently got a full
> overhaul, and if there's anything I can do to help as far as
> testing/stressing things out.

For memory: as much as works on your simh setup.
I would add 1G of swap.

If disk space includes sources and everything you will need ~15G
(plus swap). If you do not build with build.sh -VDEBUG=yes a bit
less space might be enough.


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