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Re: NetBSD on SIMH, but not microvax3900

(Oh, I should probably point out that I usually boot with a "boot rq" and nothing else/more.)


On 2024-03-07 21:43, Johnny Billquist wrote:
Physically, one could never get 128M in an 11/780. However, architecturally VAX supports up to 512M. So it shouldn't really be a problem.

I'm running NetBSD under simh as an 8650. Works fine. But it was probably something like 2 years since I last updated my simh code. And I can't remember when I did the actual installation of NetBSD, so it was way long ago. But anyway, it works fine for me. But I'm running it with 64M set up.

My full simh config looks like this:

set cpu model=8650
set cpu 64
set cpu idle=netbsd
set rq0 rauser=8192
set rq1 rauser=8192
set rq2 rauser=8192
set rq3 rrd40
att rq0 bsd.dsk
att rq1 bs1.dsk
att rq2 bs2.dsk
att rq3 bsd.bup
att cs console.dsk
set xu ena
set xu type=delua
set xu mac=aa:00:04:01:16:04
att xu en0
set rl dis
set rp dis
set cr dis
set lpt dis
set hk dis
set ry dis
set tu dis
set ts dis
set dz lines=8
att dz 43
set cons pchar=ffffffff
set cons wru=1f
#boot rq/r5:10008

Happy to try and help more, if people are completely stuck. But at the moment I'm not sure what the problem might be...

However, note that until very recently, /boot was broken, and I used to have to run /boot from ancient times. But the latest checkout works fine. And it was not a toolchain issue, as it failed to boot even with a cross compiled binary.


On 2024-03-07 20:13, Jan-Benedict Glaw wrote:
On Thu, 2024-03-07 13:56:02 -0500, Mouse <mouse%Rodents-Montreal.ORG@localhost> wrote:
[simh-780 boot fail]
set cpu 128M

Suggestions for debugging it?

Is 128 megs a possible memory config for a 780?  (That's a real
question; I don't know the 780 enough to answer it myself.)

I don't have/know the hardware, so I don't know. Just gave it a try
with 8 MB and 16 MB, both failed the same way.

   However, I made a new observation: I accidentally hit theSPACE key
while waiting for "Press any key to abort autoboot 5", then gave it a
"boot netbsd" and expected it to restart. However, this time, it's
hanging instead of looping:

============================= 8< ------------------------------------
root@lili:/var/cache/laminar-vm/vax780# ./BIN/vax780 *cnf

VAX 11/780 simulator V4.0-0 Current        git commit id: 9a73eb9d
/var/cache/laminar-vm/vax780/rpi_vax780.cnf-36> at xu tap:trap_17
Command not allowed
/var/cache/laminar-vm/vax780/rpi_vax780.cnf-42> boot rq3
Loading boot code from internal vmb.exe

NetBSD/vax boot [1.12 ()] <<
Press any key to abort autoboot 4
getdisklabel: no disk label
nfs_open: must mount first.
open netbsd.vax: No such file or directory
boot netbsd
getdisklabel: no disk label
nfs_open: must mount first.
4405588+185132 [255216+240258]=0x4da004
Loading boot code from internal vmb.exe

NetBSD/vax boot [1.12 ()] <<
Press any key to abort autoboot 5
Press '?' for help
?       Show this help menu
help    Same as '?'
boot    Load and execute file
halt    Halts the system
boot netbsd
getdisklabel: no disk label
nfs_open: must mount first.
4405588+185132 [255216+240258]=0x4da004
----------------------------- >8 ====================================

I'm wondering if there might be 780-specific code that assumes things
like the maximum physical memory a 780 can actually have.  Something
like, maybe, the memory sizing code assuming arithmetic won't overflow
because the memory size can't be greater than whatever....

8 to 16 MB sounds at least reasonable. Maybe it could hold 128 MB,
but let's not stretch it too far.

I also notice a "Command not allowed" during startup.  I don't know
enough to know, but that strikes me as at least potentially relevant.

SIMH noticed it couldn't attach to the TAP device "trap_17", which I
missed to create and add to the bridge. If it had booted, it would
have had no working network...


Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
                                  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt%softjar.se@localhost             ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                     ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

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