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NetBSD on SIMH, but not microvax3900


Inspired by a recent bug report for NetBSD on simh-vax780
turned out to be a config issue), I wanted to extend my automatic CI
installations beyond the simh-microvax3900 system.

  My goal would be to prepare installations for all supported systems
and give them some testing (so walk through the installation with
`expect`, then to some tests like ATF, maybe even start some X11
server with `xclock` and take a screenshot for comparison, stuff like

  Some time ago, I already tried the 8600 (and failed), and now tried
the 780 (and failed, too.) As the 780 easily boots the disk image
prepared with the microvax3900, it's really just the installation.

  I tried ISOs for NetBSD 8.0, 9.0, 9.3, 10.0rc1, rc5 and a self-build
`current` (~ one week old) with a current OpenSIMH snapshot, as well
as two older commits picked arbitrarily (660e2b9f (Feb 20 2022) and
9a73eb9d (Aug 21 2020)). They all fail in the same way:

============================ 8< ------------------------------------
root@lili:/var/cache/laminar-vm/vax780# ./BIN/vax780 *cnf

VAX 11/780 simulator V4.0-0 Current        git commit id: 9a73eb9d
/var/cache/laminar-vm/vax780/rpi_vax780.cnf-35> at xu tap:trap_17
Command not allowed
/var/cache/laminar-vm/vax780/rpi_vax780.cnf-41> boot rq3
Loading boot code from internal vmb.exe

>> NetBSD/vax boot [1.12 ()] <<
>> Press any key to abort autoboot 0
getdisklabel: no disk label
nfs_open: must mount first.
open netbsd.vax: No such file or directory
> boot netbsd
getdisklabel: no disk label
nfs_open: must mount first.
4405588+185132 [255216+240258]=0x4da004
Loading boot code from internal vmb.exe

>> NetBSD/vax boot [1.12 ()] <<
>> Press any key to abort autoboot 0
getdisklabel: no disk label
nfs_open: must mount first.
open netbsd.vax: No such file or directory
> boot netbsd
getdisklabel: no disk label
nfs_open: must mount first.
4405588+185132 [255216+240258]=0x4da004
Loading boot code from internal vmb.exe

Simulation stopped, PC: 000089AF (CMPL (R0)+,(R0)+)
sim> q
---------------------------- >8 ====================================

So this results in an endless loop of unsuccessful starts. `boot`
starts, loads the kernel, but fails (and starts.) This is the config

============================ 8< ------------------------------------
set cpu 128M
;set cpu history=65536
set cpu conhalt
set cpu idle=netbsd

set rq0 ra92
at rq0 rq0.dsk
set rq1 ra92
at rq1 rq1.dsk
set rq2 ra92
at rq2 rq2.dsk
set rq3 rrd40
at rq3 install.iso
;at rq3 NetBSD-10.0_RC5-vax.iso
;at rq3 NetBSD-10.0_RC1-vax.iso
;at rq3 NetBSD-9.3-vax.iso
;at rq3 NetBSD-9.0-vax.iso
;at rq3 NetBSD-8.0-vax.iso

set tti 8b
set tto 8b

;-- Setup the dz tty's with 8 lines.
;-- You can telnet to the localhost on port 4711 and 'login'.
;-- Usefull until the networking gets sorted out.
set dz 7b
set dz lines=8
;at -m dz0 4711

set lpt en

;qe0 interface
set xu en
at xu tap:trap_17
;qe1 interface
set xub dis

;Boot from CD-ROM (rq3)
boot rq3

;Boot from first HDD (rq0)
;boot rq0
---------------------------- >8 ====================================

Just checked: The simh-vax8600 simulator shows exactly the same
behavior. Haven't yet checked others (eg. 3100/30, /38, 4000/60), but
as the 780 works generally (-> with a copied disk image from a 3900),
why shouldn't it be able to install? The INSTALL kernel seems to have
all needed support...  Did anybody else try one of these other
emulators recently? Suggestions for debugging it?



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