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Re: Issues with native build of -10 on VAX

On 24/11/23 13:53, matthew green wrote:
OK, so there are two issues.  one is easy and we should
commit Rin's binutils fix.. i've tested it also, and it
seems entirely valid to me.  Rin, please feel free to
commit asap, and ask for pullups... or let me know and
i'll do it?

the GCC one, well, it's interesting.  the test case from
update #5 in GCC PR#105491 is fixed by porting the changes
back into our GCC 10 but it seems that the original issue
where gcc's sancov.c fails remains at least for me.  (i'm
not sure why the GCC PR claims the back port is hard, it
is not 100% clean, but it is fairly simple.  see below.)

the update#5 test case also fails on other targets and is
resolved with the back port.

so there may be additional work, though it's not clear that
the fix upstream fixes the real problem for us here?  i'll
try using Kalvis's GCC 12 patches in -current, see what
happens there.

I've been looking at this some more over the last week and I'm fairly sure that that the problem is not GCC's PR#105491 - it's something else.  The proximate cause seems to be that when optimising (-O1 or higher) the cross-compiler has miscompiled a function call in g++.  This in turn prevents that g++ from properly instantiating the intialiser for a template member. I believe that this only happens for VAX; I haven't seen anything like this on the other 2 architectures I've run a native build on (i386 and macppc).

I have a test case (pt.ii) which demonstrates the problem.  The interesting parts of the assember output (in pt.ii.s), with annotations, are

/* function call (5 arguments)
   cp_finish_decl(l, 0, am->ad.e.ab.d, __null, au);
        movl *8(%r6),%r0
        subl2 $4,%sp          /* space for argument 5 */ 
        movl %sp,%r1
        movb 4(%r0),%r0
        rotl $21,%r0,(%r1)
        bicl2 $-8388609,(%r1) /* argument 5 */
        pushl $0              /* argument 4 */
        movl am,%r0
        movzbl 4(%r0),%r0
        movl %sp,%r1
        rotl $30,%r0,(%r1)
        bicl2 $-2,(%r1)       /* argument 3
                                 but it overwrites argument 4
                                 oops */

        pushl $0              /* argument 2 */
        pushl %r6             /* argument 1 */
        calls $5,_Z14cp_finish_declP9tree_nodeS0_bS0_i

I'm not yet sure what the cause is, but I have noticed that the output from g++'s 'reload' pass isn't correct.

Compile like so (${CC} is the VAX cross-compiler)

${CC} \
    -O2 \
    -Wa,--fatal-warnings -Wall -Werror -Wno-error=stack-protector -Wno-format-diag \
    -Wno-narrowing -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-stack-protector -Wno-unused -Wpointer-arith \
    -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-exceptions \
    -x c++ \
    -o pt.ii.s  \
    -S pt.ii



typedef struct tree_node *a;
enum b {};
struct c {
  b a;
  struct {
    struct {
      unsigned : 1;
      unsigned : 1;
      unsigned d : 1;
    } ab;
  } e;
struct f {
  struct g *h;
struct tree_node {
  c ad;
  f i;
void ae();
struct j {
  a k;
struct g {
  struct {
    j ah;
  } e;
void pop_nested_class();
void cp_finish_decl(a, a, bool, a, int);
a am;
void ap(a l) {
  int au(l->i.h->e.ah.k->ad.e.ab.d ? 1 << 8 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1
                                       << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1
                                   : 0);
  cp_finish_decl(l, 0, am->ad.e.ab.d, __null, au);

	.file	"pt.ii"
	.align 1
.globl _Z2apP9tree_node
	.type	_Z2apP9tree_node, @function
	.word 0x40
	.cfi_offset 6, 20
	.cfi_offset 15, 16
	.cfi_offset 13, 12
	.cfi_offset 12, 8
	.cfi_def_cfa_register 13
	subl2 $4,%sp
	movl 4(%ap),%r6
	calls $0,_Z2aev
	movl *8(%r6),%r0
	subl2 $4,%sp
	movl %sp,%r1
	movb 4(%r0),%r0
	rotl $21,%r0,(%r1)
	bicl2 $-8388609,(%r1)
	pushl $0
	movl am,%r0
	movzbl 4(%r0),%r0
	movl %sp,%r1
	rotl $30,%r0,(%r1)
	bicl2 $-2,(%r1)
	pushl $0
	pushl %r6
	calls $5,_Z14cp_finish_declP9tree_nodeS0_bS0_i
	calls $0,_Z16pop_nested_classv
	.size	_Z2apP9tree_node, .-_Z2apP9tree_node
.globl am
	.section	.bss,"aw",@nobits
	.align 2
	.type	am, @object
	.size	am, 4
	.zero	4
	.ident	"GCC: (NetBSD nb2 20230710) 10.5.0"

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