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Re: NetBSD in SIMH vax with 512 MB RAM

On 22/3/23 23:40, Mouse wrote:
[...] - I noticed that when SIMH is configured with 512MB of memory,
the calculated size of the system page table ends up being a bit
larger than the 2^21 entries needed to map all of system space.
That's odd.  Maybe it's reserving enough space for _two_ copies of
physical memory or something?

I think that's exactly what's happening - vax/pmap.c:calc_kvmsize() starts like this:

static vsize_t
calc_kvmsize(vsize_t usrptsize)
        vsize_t kvmsize, bufsz;

         * Compute the number of pages kmem_arena will have.

        /* All physical memory */
        kvmsize = avail_end;
        /* User Page table area. This may be large */
        kvmsize += (usrptsize * sizeof(struct pte));
        /* Kernel stacks per process */
        kvmsize += (USPACE * maxproc);
        /* kernel malloc arena */
        kvmsize += nkmempages * PAGE_SIZE;
        /* IO device register space */
        kvmsize += (IOSPSZ * VAX_NBPG);
        /* Pager allocations */
        kvmsize += (pager_map_size + MAXBSIZE);
        /* Anon pool structures */
        kvmsize += (physmem * sizeof(struct vm_anon));
        /* kernel malloc arena */
        kvmsize += avail_end;

avail_end is the size of physical memory.  Note that it's being added to kvmsize twice; the returned kvmsize is then used to calculate the length of the system page table.

So I think this is why I don't see a length violation when accessing a nominally-invalid address such as $CASMAGIC (0xbedababe) near the end of system space and thus why the  logic in vax/trap.c to restart the CAS sequence isn't invoked - its preconditions are no longer met as $CASMAGIC is no longer beyond the end of the system page table and a T_PTELEN trap is thus not generated.  Changing $CASMAGIC to an address somewhere above the system region restores the expected behaviour in at least SIMH.  I used 0xfedababe but maybe it should be something just below the I/O VA space at 0xe0000000.

I also think that's a theoretical bug;


Oh, agreed - but it is odd.



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