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Re: NetBSD in SIMH vax with 512 MB RAM


The installer (still running with 256 MB) ran fine and booting up the
system afterwards (now with 512 MB) worked without issues. Could `ssh`
to the box and do some light usual stuff.
A quick build and install in a SIMH disk image shows it boots and works 
for me, too, with NetBSD 10 and 512 megs.
When using SIMH and 256 megs, I see "Process is executing in user space" 
panics much more often than with 128 megs, although with NetBSD 10 I 
don't know if I've seen any yet. I'm curious how things'll run with 512.
I don't have time to do much, but I have started a pbulk run on a 512 meg 
NetBSD 10 VM.
 Once the current run of CI jobs (few days to go) is done, I'll give
more load on this instance and probably fire up some more of them to
do different work. Maybe build some pkgsrc stuff? (Actually, I'd like
to look into this: How to setup a pkgsrc builder?) I guess in the
longer term, I'd try to find more sponsors for CPU cycles, power and
time to push testing further forward. :)
Sounds good. Thanks!


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