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Re: KA410 Boot Failure With TKZ-50

P.S. Here's something I can't remember, quite.  The KA410 also has an
onboard controller for an ST506 hard drive.  Does _that_ emulate MSCP?
My recollection says that the whole disk format was done in software, 
to be compatible with the RQDX3. And looking in NetBSD, it looks like 
it has a simpler interface than MSCP for the disks on that controller. 
(But I could be looking at the wrong thing...)
The VS2k had a HDC9224 ST506 controller, programmed as ST506 controllers were at that time :-) It also had a NCR5380 for SCSI, and same here - just a normal SCSI controller, programmed directly.
Both of these had their own DMA area which were not in main memory, so 
data had to be copied to its destination.
-- R

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