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Re: Native builds?

Den 2018-08-29 kl. 21:58, skrev Johnny Billquist:
On 2018-08-29 18:42, Anders Magnusson wrote:
Well, I think I'm somewhat active, but I have never been close to gcc internals and I would prefer not to spend time with that.
It is probably more easy for me to compile the VAX port with pcc than 
to fix the bugs in gcc.
Speaking of pcc, how difficult would it be to switch? I find gcc 
unbearably slow on VAX these days. If we could switch, I would be very 
Hmm, that might be a problem for all the C++ that have crept in, 
though I bet pcc don't have a C++ mode.
Base system is (almost) C only, and that will work, I have tested it before (The pcc port to vax was done in 1977 :-)
There were a few problem when compiling the kernel that I didn't fix.

To be able to really use pcc cross-compiling must work, and that requires that floating point in the compiler is
handled by software.  I'm working on that right now.

-- R

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