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Re: Help about installing NetBSD on a VAXstation 4000/90 (Cougar)

On Thu, May 03, 2018 at 10:44:41AM -0400, Dave McGuire wrote:
 Where are you located?  I'm in Pittsburgh, PA, USA.  If you can get
the machine (or easier, the board) to me, I can probably fix or replace
that switch for you, if that's not something you want to dig into.
I'm in Brazil.  Overseas shipping is really expensive, almost impossible 
 Alternatively, it might be practical to chop out the switch and wire
in a small toggle switch to hide somewhere.
I can try to do something like that myself, but I have poor hardware 
fixing skills.  I'll probably ask one of my electronic colleagues for 
help.  Anyway, I'll probably first try to a software workaround, 
probably changing the NetBSD kernel.  Since OpenBSD seemed to boot fine, 
I'm in hope of making it work with NetBSD.

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