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My long fight with missed interrupts...

Finally! I've found the problem with my lost interrupts.
It turns out to be a vax-specific problem, and one related to spin mutexes.
More specific, the mutex_spin_enter function is not truly reentrant.
What can happen (and is happening sometimes) is that mutex_spin_enter is called for a mutex. Between the check wether any other spin mutexes are being held and the decrement of the counter, an interrupt from the clock happens, which raises the IPL even higher than the spin mutex requires. This interrupt also calls mutex_spin_enter, and at this point, it don't look like any other mutex is being held, so the IPL of the clock interrupt is saved as the old ipl level. The clock interrupt runs through, restores the IPL to what it was before, and the interrupted routine continues, at the right IPL level. However, at mute_spin_exit, the routine will now restore the IPL that was before mutex_spin_enter, but the value saved is the one from when the interrupt occured, meaning that in the end, we will actually raise the IPL at mutex_spin_exit, and will not recover properly from this situation for quite a while. I don't know under which circumstances it eventually gets recovered, but it do happen at some point. But the system is somewhat catatonic for quite a while.
Here is a fix for this bug. It should be incorporated into the source 
tree asap, I'd say. If anyone want to improve on it, feel free. I've 
tested it for a while on a 8650 now, and it works fine there.
The fix is maybe crude. I raise the IPL to IPL_HIGH for maybe longer 
than needed while acquiring a spin mutex, and raise it again at 
releasing the mutex. Feel free to improve the code if anyone feel like it...
RCS file: /cvsroot/src/sys/arch/vax/vax/lock_stubs.S,v
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -c -r1.15 lock_stubs.S
*** sys/arch/vax/vax/lock_stubs.S       25 May 2008 15:56:12 -0000      1.15
--- sys/arch/vax/vax/lock_stubs.S       14 Jun 2010 05:54:52 -0000
*** 29,34 ****
--- 29,40 ----
+ /*
+  * Bugfix 2010 by Johnny Billquist
+  *
+  * mutex_spin_{enter|exit} functions were not thread safe
+  */
  #include "opt_lockdebug.h"
  #include "opt_multiprocessor.h"
  #include <machine/asm.h>
*** 87,102 ****
        blbc    (%r0), 3f
        mfpr    $PR_IPL, %r2                    /* get current IPL */
!       movzbl  MTX_IPL(%r0), %r3
!       cmpl    %r3, %r2                        /* does mutex have > IPL? */
!       bleq    1f                              /*   no, leave IPL alone */ 
!       mtpr    %r3, $PR_IPL                    /*   yes, raise IPL */
! 1:    mfpr    $PR_SSP, %r4                    /* get curlwp */
        movl    L_CPU(%r4),%r4                  /* get cpu_info */
        tstl    CI_MTX_COUNT(%r4)               /* any spin mutexes active? */
        bneq    3f                              /*   yep, don't save IPL */
        movl    %r2, CI_MTX_OLDSPL(%r4)         /*   nope, save old IPL */
  3:    decl    CI_MTX_COUNT(%r4)               /* decr mutex count */
  #if defined(DIAGNOSTIC) || defined(MULTIPROCESSOR)
        bbssi   $0, MTX_LOCK(%r0), 4f           /* take out mutex */
--- 93,110 ----
        blbc    (%r0), 3f
        mfpr    $PR_IPL, %r2                    /* get current IPL */
!         mtpr    $IPL_HIGH, $PR_IPL              /* lock out all interrupts */
!       mfpr    $PR_SSP, %r4                    /* get curlwp */
        movl    L_CPU(%r4),%r4                  /* get cpu_info */
        tstl    CI_MTX_COUNT(%r4)               /* any spin mutexes active? */
        bneq    3f                              /*   yep, don't save IPL */
        movl    %r2, CI_MTX_OLDSPL(%r4)         /*   nope, save old IPL */
  3:    decl    CI_MTX_COUNT(%r4)               /* decr mutex count */
+       movzbl  MTX_IPL(%r0), %r3               /* Get mutex ipl. */
+       cmpl    %r3, %r2                        /* does mutex have > IPL? */
+       bleq    1f                              /*   no, leave IPL alone */ 
+       movl    %r3, %r2                        /*   yes, this will be our new 
ipl */
+ 1:      mtpr  %r2, $PR_IPL                    /* set IPL */
  #if defined(DIAGNOSTIC) || defined(MULTIPROCESSOR)
        bbssi   $0, MTX_LOCK(%r0), 4f           /* take out mutex */
*** 119,131 ****
        clrb    MTX_LOCK(%r0)                   /* for ddb use only */
        mfpr    $PR_SSP, %r4                    /* get curlwp */
        movl    L_CPU(%r4), %r4                 /* get cpu_info */
        movl    CI_MTX_OLDSPL(%r4), %r2         /* fetch oldspl */
        incl    CI_MTX_COUNT(%r4)               /* incr mtx count */
        bneq    1f                              /* still held? */
!       mtpr    %r2, $PR_IPL                    /*   no, restore saved ipl */
! 1:    ret     
  #if defined(DIAGNOSTIC) || defined(MULTIPROCESSOR)
  2:    callg   (%ap), _C_LABEL(mutex_vector_exit)      /* slow path */
--- 127,142 ----
        clrb    MTX_LOCK(%r0)                   /* for ddb use only */
+       mfpr    $PR_IPL,%r0                     /* Get current ipl */
+         mtpr    $IPL_HIGH,$PR_IPL               /* Lock out all interrupts */
        mfpr    $PR_SSP, %r4                    /* get curlwp */
        movl    L_CPU(%r4), %r4                 /* get cpu_info */
        movl    CI_MTX_OLDSPL(%r4), %r2         /* fetch oldspl */
        incl    CI_MTX_COUNT(%r4)               /* incr mtx count */
        bneq    1f                              /* still held? */
!         movl    %r2, %r0                        /*   no, restpre saved ipl */
! 1:      mtpr  %r0, $PR_IPL                    /* restore ipl */
!       ret     
  #if defined(DIAGNOSTIC) || defined(MULTIPROCESSOR)
  2:    callg   (%ap), _C_LABEL(mutex_vector_exit)      /* slow path */

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