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Re: more on proff crash building native

Michael L. Hitch wrote:
On Sat, 14 Feb 2009, Greg Oster wrote:

   Native builds (when continued several times after the above problem)
will hang the machine when it tries compiling libm/catan.ln. I'm trying
to collect some more information on that and will submit a PR.
Hmm.. I'm not quite up to that point yet (but have restarted the
build often enough to be past the pic/grops/groff/whatever issue),
but I see I'm using some 69MB of swap right now.. (the machine has 32MB).
I've added an extra 500MB swap -- could your box be running out of
memory/swap when it gets to working on libm/catan.ln ?
  Hmmm, I'll guess this has something to do with it:

lib/libm/complex/catan.c:41:#define MAXNUM 1.0e308
lib/libm/complex/catan.c:77:    w = MAXNUM + MAXNUM * I;

  I got this by doing one single step in DDB after it hung:

/home/mhitch/NetBSD-5/src/lib/libm/complex/catan.c(77): warning: floating-point constant out of range [248] /home/mhitch/NetBSD-5/src/lib/libm/complex/catan.c(77): warning: floating-point constant out of range [248]
lint: /usr/libexec/lint1 got SIGTRAP

The complex routines were added 17 months ago, and probably without knowing or realizing that vax floating point is different.
It should use DBL_MAX instead of hard-code some max. But I assume that there may be other places where the complex routines are wrong, like infinity do not exist on vax so that must be taken into account. Should be checked.
  Doing a show uvmexp prior to running the lint command and a couple of
times during the run shows that the trap count is increasing rapidly:

  faults=736035, traps=1495911, intrs=9165866, ctxswitch=1024010
  faults=736760, traps=1653997, intrs=9169457, ctxswitch=1024510
  faults=736760, traps=2074777, intrs=9172623, ctxswitch=1024530

Lint shouldn't get signals here. Hm, maybe it is floating point stuff that is
causing it?  Since vax can give signals for floating point errors.

-- Ragge

Michael L. Hitch            mhitch%montana.edu@localhost
Computer Consultant
Information Technology Center
Montana State University    Bozeman, MT    USA

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