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Re: X on XVR-100

>>>>> "ml" == Michael Lorenz <macallan%netbsd.org@localhost> writes:

    ml> prevent the console mode change altogether.

that was exactly my suggestion:

prevent all mode-changing by the kernel's console driver.  Mode
changing is done only by Xorg driver, or by a tiny standalone
userspace tool which does not currently exist.

    ml> Radeonfb does exactly the right thing - it whacks the blitter
    ml> over the head, re-initializes whatever video mode it's been
    ml> using and redraws the console.

I'm saying that's the wrong thing.  The console driver on Solaris
didn't (used to?) do this whacking things on the head.  consequently
it's possible to drop into kmdb while the X server is running, type
continue, then run 'xrefresh' and continue using X.

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