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Re: -current nfs server problem

Tobias Nygren wrote:
On Sun, 13 Jan 2008 00:12:19 +0200
Arto Huusko <arto.huusko%pp2.inet.fi@localhost> wrote:

        nfsd -t -n 4

does work, and I can also mount nfs volumes from clients.
However, things don't work at all well.
Actually, this may be due to the client, not server.
I turned of tso and csum options of the NIC (bge) in my
new laptop, and it reads and writes TCP served nfs now happily.

I still would rather use UDP in this LAN.

Does it make a difference if you start a single nfsd (-n 1)?
I'll have to try this, once I get that laptop built.

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