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SS4 up and running 10.0 and space considerations


first the good news: SS4 up and running NetBSD 10.0 and no issues so far.
I suppose I got a "short read" because booting from the SWAP partition was beyond some limit. Using external CD prepared for the IPC worked!

This is an upgrade... and since on my IPC I finished disk space on the 2GB disk, I did some checks:

I have on Root with a full install and some previous stuff

/dev/sd0a                         3.5G   2.7G   615M  81% /

These split up in:
107M    GNUstep
2.0K    altroot
1.5M    bin
68K     boot
2.0K    cdrom
89K     dev
14M     etc
652M    home
8.0K    kern
12M     lib
202K    libdata
252K    libexec
2.0K    mnt
5.2M    netbsd
4.9M    onetbsd
11M     proc
8.1M    rescue
12K     root
5.8M    sbin
27M     stand
4.0K    tmp
3.4G    usr
261M    var

usr is:
174M    X11R7
67M     bin
2.3M    games
26M     include
168M    lib
454K    libdata
107M    libexec
354K    mdec
27M     packages
206M    pkg
592M    pkg-workdir
1.7G    pkgsrc
32M     sbin
193M    share
70M     tests

Considering IPC has separate home, no GNUstep and pkg install and workdir, we can reduce that to: 1122MB.
Still, quite a bit... and sizes are comparable to what I got on the IPC.

So, no.. a 1GB root partition without home is no longer enough... time to get a larger disk for the IPC! Or try a smarter partitioning...


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