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Re: local X server & gtk3 applications (also, netsurf in pkgsrc & pkgin w/ Dropbox)

Le jeu. 10 sept. 2020 à 18:37, David Brownlee <abs%netbsd.org@localhost> a écrit :
> As a test case does the same thing happen if you run netsurf-gtk3 from
> another box back to the sparc as a X display (and similarly the sparc
> binary displaying on another box) - to confirm its a "gtk3 & 8 bit"
> issue rather than a "gtk3 built on 32bit sparc" problem :)

sparc binary to another I had tried, it was working (and the epitome
of pointlessness I would think, running a web browser on a 2x90+2x125
MHz HyperSPARC and using a E5-2690v4 has a dumb X Terminal :-) )

The other way round, I don't have a netsurf-gtk3 handy; the one in
raspbian is built again gtk2 (so I can indeed run netsurf on a RPi4
and display to the SS20, that 'works'; I can't get to a website
because that version is too buggy), and so is Debian's (although the
next one in unstable will be gtk3, but I'm still on oldstable so
unstable is a bit too modern for me ;-) ).

I can also run firefox on the RPi4 with a remote on the SS20, but then
the colors are all wrong. Not 24-on-8 bits wrong, but more
I-don't-understand-endianess wrong, I would guess. x86 monoculture is
a plague - most codes assume little-endian & working unaligned

Thinking of it - emacs-gtk in raspbian is built against gtk3; I
checked: some stuff works on the SS20 Xserver, but not the row of
buttons - IIRC, that was the same issue I saw earlier with the native
X11 build (I prefer xemacs anyway!), as emacs is built against gtk3 in
current pkgsrc:

(root)ss20ross:~# pkgin show-full-deps emacs
reading local summary...
processing local summary...
full dependency tree for emacs-26.3

Maybe I should rebuild it against gtk2 instead as well.

> Excellent stuff!  you can use send-pr, or possibly drop an email to
> pkgsrc-users (if you are send-pr-adverse :-p)

I'll have to do that at some point.


Romain Dolbeau

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