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Re: Two SM100 modules & NetBSD 9 in SS20 (was: Re: Net-installing SS20 & NFS woes (?)

Le lun. 10 août 2020 à 20:05, Julian Coleman <jdc%coris.org.uk@localhost> a écrit :
> It might be interesting to see how long building src takes, and with
> something like -j 6 to show up bugs.

Just ran the building of ICU with MAKE_JOBS=6 for 2+ hours (didn't let
it finish), with /usr/pkg* and /var/db/pkg* on NFS. Swapped a bit to
the local drive, but not too much. So it was stressing CPU, memory &

Very slow, but didn't crash. I'm impressed!


Romain Dolbeau

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