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Re: p9100 bug?

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On Mar 8, 2010, at 4:11 PM, der Mouse wrote:

Look again.  It works just fine for 64xN images for any N from 1 to
64 (maybe for zero N too; I'd need to think about it).
It's never been intended to handle anything else than 64x64.

That would explain a lot. :)

It doesn't even support all the cursor ioctl()s, only what I needed for X.

The Xsun code doesn't know anything about P9100, it was only ever
intended to deal with cg6, cg3, maybe cg14 and similar chips, I'm not
even sure p9100's mmap() offsets match whatever the Solaris driver
used, they probably don't.

Well, it was the work of maybe an hour to make X11R6.4 run on my
Tadpole, and it would have been more like half that except that I had
to deal with some bugs that manifest when that code is faced with a
framebuffer type it doesn't grok.

Yeah, getting things to work as dumb framebuffers is usually easy.

I don't recall whether I had to supply an mmap offset when adding that
support.  The video RAM offset is zero, though, which I think is how
most of the other framebuffers work.

IIRC I put the 2MB video memory at offset 0 and the registers right behind it. Your Xsun code probably uses the cg3 offsets though.

I think the p9100 is the first Sun framebuffer I've run into [...]
Either way, it's not technically a Sun part -

Heh. I should not have needed to be reminded of that. The thing feels
so much like a Sun I tend to forget it actually isn't.

There's plenty of non-standard hardware in the sparcbook - the pcmcia part for example is not in any way compatible with Sun's SBus-PCMCIA frob, the keyboard and pointing stick are PC parts ( compare to contemporary thinkpads... ) and only the built-in microcontroller makes them look like a Sun keyboard and mouse to the rest of the machine. The serial port for the built-in modem is a 16550, not the usual Zilog part. The ISDN/audio chip can be powered down separately, unlike the variants Sun used, the auxio register layout is different and there's an additional auxiotwo... I have no clue wether the P9100 they used is a special SBus part or if it's the PCI variant sitting behind some sort of SBus-PCI glue ( that's the case with the AG-10e - if contains a bridge of some sort and three PCI graphics chips )

That said, I have never found any authoritative documentation on the
cursor sprite ioctl()s, so I have no idea if drivers are supposed to
accept arbitrary image sizes.

Well, X and Y sizes are passed in, and all the drivers whose code I've
checked look at them at least for rudimentary sanity.  Sometimes they
even use some of them, such as the "count = p->size.y * 8" line in
p9100.c. So I'd say the design calls for using the size values, though
of course I didn't actually design it so I don't truly know.

Well, at least supporting width 32 seems reasonable.

Also, specifying a stride other than width makes little sense,

Hm?  I disagree.  For example, specifying a stride of 32 for a cursor
of width 16 makes perfect sense; it just means each row's first bit is
displaced by 32 bits, rather than 16, from the first bit of the
previous row.

It's superfluous - the right half of the image would be empty anyway.

just leave whatever part of the image you don't want to use

Oh, it's not *necessary*.  It's not even particularly difficult to
avoid.  But it makes sense.

Not really. All it does would be telling the driver to ignore parts of the image - why not leave them empty in the first place? A 16x16 cursor looks exactly the same in a 32x32 and in a 64x64 bitmap.

I don't think every driver should come with code to convert arbitrary
bitmaps to whatever size its hardware likes.

I don't see why not; the alternative is to push that code into userland
instead.  That's a defensible position, certainly, but I think arguing
it belongs in the kernel is also defensible, especially given how the
(apparent!) design of FBIOSCURSOR has userland providing a size.

Well, userland code would have to deal with different hardware supposrting different cursor sizes anyway, so pushing the same functionality into every single driver seems counter productive.

The sunLoadCursor() in xc/programs/Xserver/hw/sun/sunCursor.c from
the X11R6.4 distribution.
That would be quite useless on the sparcbook unless you like a dumb 8
bit framebuffer.

I prefer it to tolerating the idiocies XFree86 imposes.

We're not using xfree86 anymore ;)
( yes, I know, Xorg isn't any less PCish but as far as I can tell it runs reasonably well on sparc hardware these days )

you probably already use a wscons kernel, with that you can just use
Xorg -configure to get a mostly useful xorg.conf, adjust DefaultDepth
to your liking ( 8, 16 or 24 bit work ) and you'll have accelerated

Xorg?  There is nothing by that name in my latest build's DESTDIR, its
OBJDIR, or /usr/X11R6.

It lives in /usr/X11R7, not sure if that's built for 5.0 though. It's been in -current for sparc ever since it was imported.

The notion of needing a config file for the X server borders on
insanity to me (well, for a case like this; for XFree86, given their
attempt to shoehorn what should have been multiple servers into one,
it's fairly necessary - I still call it insanity, but it's consequent
insanity, not primary insanity).  I'll stick with X11R6.4.

It's supposed to work without a config file but I usually don't like the defaults.

As for why I'm using X11R6.4 rather than /usr/xsrc X, [...]
Have fun porting the acceleration code -

Why do you expect me to bother?  I might someday teach it to use the
blitter for scrolling, but it's unlikely I'd bother with even that.

Because I find most dumb framebuffers intolerably slow.

Switching colour depth is tricky but code to do it is in the kernel
driver, just needs to be made available via some private ioctl()

It is?  I don't see any; is it newer than p9100.c,v 1.34?


have fun

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