Subject: Re: NetBSD on Tadpole 3gx update.
To: Ken Hansen <>
From: Tim Rightnour <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 08/10/1999 09:35:51
On 09-Aug-99 Ken Hansen wrote:
> I'd be interested in a simple (5 -10 bullet) install overview of NetBSD on
> these machines, as well as a listing of what is and is not working...
I just jumped straight to the snapshot.. downloaded new kernel source, and
rebuilt. When Matt's fixes came out.. I downloaded dev/sun and arch/sparc/dev,
overwrote my kernel dirs with that, and rebuilt.. worked like a charm.
As far as installing.. since I still don't have an AUI for it.. I borrowed a
tape drive from work, and just made tapes to install with.. The scsi port is
extremely useful. ;)
I decided that doing the snapshot would be easier than doing 1.4 now.. a) any
fixes Matt or others decide to do would be in current, and b) no a.out->elf
transition if you install ELF to start with.. ;)
A question for anyone.. has anyone tried to use the external video hookup with
this thing? I had thought about replacing my xterm at work with this little
guy.. but looking through the 9100 source, it hardcodes the 800x600
resolution.. At work I have a big 21" monitor. Ideally I would run the video
in 1152x900 or somesuch, and display to the big monitor, and then run 800x600
when going "solo"..
Tim Rightnour <>
NetBSD: Free multi-architecture OS
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