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Re: floppyinstfs size

> Well, what you've made is an installation-kernel. Typing "s" will give
> you a shell with a limited set of commands (those listed in
> distrib/sandpoint/floppies/ramdisk/list).
Yes, limited commands, I don't know what to add, and how to add.
Hosts, rc,conf, ... files were added with COPY commnad in list file.
But "vi", "swapctl" command were not added "COPY".

> If you want a full blown NetBSD system you will of course need to
> include all the binaries, libs and other files in the ram-image which
> means that the image will be very large (and if you're booting of a
> flash it will probably not be big enough to hold that kernel).
Yes, I tried to fit all binaries, it almost 80M.
I made 80M ramdisk.fs, and vnconfig, mount /dev/vnd0.
And decompress base,tgz and etc.tgz.
mdsetimage it to netbsd(80M MINIROOT).
I donwloaded it to our target system(512M RAM) similar to sandpoint.
It takes almost 2 hours.
But it did not work, maybe I made a wrong image, I'll try again.

> Otherwise you will have to figure out what binaries, libs and other
> files you need for your specific application and then make an image
> containing those. This usually requires a bit of work to get it to work
> correctly. (You have to figure out what libraries, config files etc.
> that your binaries need to run). If your bootloader/monitor can
> decompress (e.g. gzip or bzip2) an elf-image before booting it you
> should be able to make a useful system that will fit in 2Mb.
> If your application only requires a few processes you can replace
> /sbin/init with your own that will only fork of those specific
> processes. The binaries for those processes will have to be statically
> linked or you will have to include the libs they need and
> /usr/libexec/ld.elf_so.
I guess it needs allmost all binaries for standalone executing, just like
NFS or disk executing. In taht case, 2M is sufficient?
Did you use distrib/sandpoint/ or made your own tools?
And could you tell me what is missing on "ramdisk/list" files?

> If your sandpoint-system has a network interface you can instead use the
> kernel option NFS_BOOT_BOOTP or NFS_BOOT_DHCP, see options (4), to have
> the kernel mount the root filesystem from an NFS-fileserver. This works
> very well and you will get a full blown NetBSD system.
Yes, I already executed netbsd.GENERIC with NFS. And also with SCSI disk.
They works well.

Thanks for reading,

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