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qemu-8.1.1 issues?

Hi all,

  I recently updated my qemu to 8.1.1 and when running it I'm getting
the following errors:

qemu-system-riscv64 -machine virt -bios none -m 1G -smp 1 -nographic -global virtio-mmio.force-legacy=false -drive file=DISK,if=none,format=raw,id=x0 -device virtio-blk-device,drive=x0,bus=virtio-mmio-bus.0 -gdb tcp::$(expr $(id -u) % 10000 + 25000) -kernel kernel/kernel
qemu-system-riscv64: qemu_mprotect__osdep: mprotect failed: Permission denied
qemu-system-riscv64: mprotect of jit buffer: Permission denied

This is not trying to run NetBSD on the riscv, it is using NetBSD
to run the riscv64 system.   But I'm rather sure that I'd have
the same problem if I was trying to run NetBSD on qemu.

Has anyone else had this problem?  If so, how did you fix it?


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