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Re: netbsd-daily for dht-walnut?

r34per wrote:

> Is the daily branch of netbsd(9.99.96 is the most recent IIRC) able to
> be booted on a DHT-Walnut? I read support was added for it, and I was
> able to compile the kernel and userland of netbsd-daily for it, but
> I'm a bit unsure how to boot it on my DHT walnut. Can I simply tftp
> boot the kernel?

I'd be surprised if it worked without changes.  I did the original
IBM/AMCC Walnut port and that used a very simple boot loader called
OpenBIOS.  It looks like the DHT-Walnut uses ppcboot/u-boot, so you'd
need to change
at least and probably the console init code.

If the hardware is broadly compatible with the original IBM Walnut I'd
probably start with a DHT-WALNUT kernel config that has something like:

	options DHT_WALUT
	include "arch/evbppc/conf/WALNUT"

and a few "#ifdef DHT_WALUT"'s in the code in .../walnut/ .

I last fired up my walnut last year with -current and it was still
working fine.


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