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Re: kernel panic on ibm4xx-based powerpc box with DDB

On 2016/12/28 16:01, Matt Thomas wrote:

On Dec 27, 2016, at 10:49 PM, Rin Okuyama <rokuyama%rk.phys.keio.ac.jp@localhost> wrote:

Thank you very much for your reply. I revised the patch accordingly, and
it passed some stress tests on my OPENBLOCKS266.

However, sorry for bothering you, but I don't understand why this work.
The original DDB/IPKDB handlers use ddbstk/ipkdbstk, that clearly do not
support nested traps, as you pointed out. The patched version uses
CI_{DDB,IPKDB}SAVE, that are save areas in cpu_info. It seems to me that
they also do not support nested traps; a succeeding trap overwrites
save areas already used by a preceding trap, doesn't it? I'm a beginner
of assembler programming, and maybe I misunderstand something...

Much nicer.  It does support nested traps because %r1 (sp) isn't loaded if we are already in kernel mode.  So the trapframe is just saved further down the stack.

You can't get an exception while saving into the saveareas so that part doesn't need to stack.  Only after the saveareas are moved into a trapframe will exceptions be reenabled.  That's what PSL_RI enables.

Thank you for your kind explanation. I'm starting to understand.
I will read again the reference manual from this point of view.
So, could I commit the patch?


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