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Re: CVS commit: src/sys/arch/powerpc/oea

On Mon, Jun 25, 2007 at 03:46:21PM +0200, Jachym Holecek wrote:
> Why wasn't this (and your other powerpc changes) done for ppcoea-renovation
> directly? ISTM commiting to HEAD will make the mergeback a bit more work...

What are the plans for merging ppcoea-renovation?  I got the impression
that it was to be a short-term branch, but it's been around for a little
while now and it seems that it would be good get the work back in the
mainline sooner rather than later.

Could we maybe get a status update including what's left to be done
(perhaps noting what others can help with) before merge?


Allen Briggs  |  http://www.ninthwonder.com/~briggs/  |  

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