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Re: ibm4xx pci (Re: IBM405GP/GPr OPB bus_space endian (powerpc/ibm4xx/dev/opb.c))

Allen Briggs wrote:
> On Wed, May 10, 2006 at 06:01:36PM +0200, Jachym Holecek wrote:
>> I think what shige@ means here is that currently pci_attach_hook()
>> only calls ibm4xx_setup_pci(), which is already called by pchbattach().
>> So, the point is ibm4xx_setup_pci() can be left blank or #defined
>> away (unless this really _needs_ to happen twice).

Thanks, Jachym.
I'm sorry that my explanation was insufficient.

> Ah, yes.  That makes sense.
> I think there are some files and functions there that are still
> too 405GP-centric, and need to be made more machine-independent
> or split to a more machine-dependent location with a more generic
> framework.

Yes. I think that we should reconsider the follow points:

1. we need to make an arrangement for a pchb driver.
   ibm4xx/pci/pchb.c + ibm4xx/pci/pci_machdep.c + ibm4xx/dev/ibm405gp.c
    -> ibm4xx/dev/pchb.c

2. we need to tell pchb.c driver some configurations
   (#defines with IBM405GP_ in *.c) by another way.

3. we need to reconsider about machine dependent pci function.
   What (pci_) functions shoud be in evbppc/<mach>/*.c?
   pci_intr_map() and pci_conf_interrupt() had been already moved.

4. Is some global variables related bus_space_* ugly? or reasonable?
   Should they be in pci_chipset_tag_t (struct ibm4xx_pci_chipset) ?
   If need, define pchb_softc included pci_chipset_tag_t ?

Kind Regards,
--- shige
Shigeyuki Fukushima <shige@{FreeBSD,jp.FreeBSD,NetBSD}.org>

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