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Re: Which port to use?

Peter Seebach wrote:
In message <42D0EB10.7040501%ntlworld.com@localhost>, Richard Danter writes:

Hi All,

I would like to port NetBSD to a new board but it seems there are several different PowerPC ports and I am not sure which to start with.
The board contains a MPC7400 with a 107 memory controller using address 
map B (CHRP). The bootloader is U-Boot, which I have almost finished 
porting (it boots from Flash, just need to get the network working).
Any suggestions which of the PPC ports I should start with? Any other 

Which board is it?  Got pointers to spec sheets?  It is theoretically possible
that someone else has already looked at it.
It is a custom board. All it has is the CPU, 107, 64MB RAM, 4MB Flash 
and a serial interface. There are a couple of PCI slots one of which has 
an Intel EEPro 10/100 network card.

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