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RE: Compiling NetBSD

Yes, The OS is very old "SunOS 4.1.4". Is the problem due to old OS..?
Do i need new OS...?

-----Original Message-----
From: port-powerpc-owner%netbsd.org@localhost
[mailto:port-powerpc-owner%netbsd.org@localhost]On Behalf Of Andrew Brown
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 10:15 AM
Cc: PowerPC
Subject: Re: Compiling NetBSD

>   Yes i have a make file at "/usr/bin" as below.
>[/usr/bin]$ls -l make
>-rwxr-xr-x  1 root       115472 Oct 15  1994 make


>What should i do to avoid this...? Do i have to replace this with some
>make program...?

uh...that make program is *really* old.  what system is this?  sunos?
aix 4?  freebsd 1.0 or 1.1?

>I also tried to use build.sh, but i got below errors. Please help in
>resolving this problem.
>arkavathi[/mnt/netbsd/src]$ ./build.sh tools kernel=GENERIC
>./build.sh: bad substitution
>arkavathi[/mnt/netbsd/src]$ build.sh tools kernel=GENERIC
>./build.sh: bad substitution
>arkavathi[/mnt/netbsd/src]$ build.sh kernel=GENERIC
>././build.sh: bad substitution
>arkavathi[/mnt/netbsd/src]$ build.sh -T tools kernel=GENERIC
>././build.sh: bad substitution
>arkavathi[/mnt/netbsd/src]$ make build
>Makefile:72: *** missing separator.  Stop.
>arkavathi[/mnt/netbsd/src]$ build.sh
>././build.sh: bad substitution
>arkavathi[/mnt/netbsd/src]$ build.sh -a i386
>././build.sh: bad substitution
>arkavathi[/mnt/netbsd/src]$ build.sh -B bid
>././build.sh: bad substitution
>arkavathi[/mnt/netbsd/src]$ build.sh -n
>././build.sh: bad substitution
>Seems like nothing working, please help in resolving the same.

umm...yeah...so while it seems like your make is too old to do what we
need of it, and that trying to build the toolchain is the next logical
step, it seems that your sh can't handle our build.sh.

what does make -v tell you?

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codewarrior%daemon.org@localhost             * "ah!  i see you have the internet
twofsonet%graffiti.com@localhost (Andrew Brown)                that goes 
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